Fort Lauderdale Patent, Trademark & Copyright Attorney
Are You Looking for a United States Patent, Trademark or Copyright?
You make the best use of your company’s assets. However, many businesses do not protect their most valuable assets – the intellectual property. In 2007, 90% of the value of the world’s top 2,000 companies was intellectual property. For example, in 2009, the value of the Google® trademark was estimated to exceed $100 billion.
Are you realizing the value of your assets – including your intellectual property?
The first steps in making the most of your intellectual property are identifying those assets and then protecting them from unauthorized use by others. I can help you identify your intellectual property assets, and then realize the value of them. Avoid the mistakes that could put your intellectual property assets at risk – waiting could be costly. Contact an experienced Fort Lauderdale patent, trademark and copyright attorney today.